Privacy Policy

Last modified: March 16, 2021 

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be processed fairly and lawfully, subject at all times to the principles and rights set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and other applicable regulations. In compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of the RGPD, we inform you of the following: 

Responsible party

Contact details of the Data Controller: the person responsible for the data collected through this website is EPTICOM CONSULTING, S.L. with address Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña) and CIF B-70521364. You can contact the responsible party by sending an email or by calling 688 845 052.

Identity and contact details of the representative: Juan Sanjuan López.


Extended description of the purposes of the processing: 

  • Client, accounting, tax and administrative management
  • Advertising & Commercial Prospecting
  • Receipt of Resumes or Job Applications

Data retention periods or criteria: We’ll keep the data for as long as necessary to respond to the request and comply with the required legal obligations. The data you have provided to us will be kept for as long as it is necessary for the purposes indicated in point 2.A., or it will also be stored for the time required by different applicable laws.

Automated Decisions, Profiling, and Applied Logic: The data collected through the website will not be used to make automated decisions.

Legal basics

Governing Law: The legislation applied is the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

Details of the legal basis for the processing, in cases of legal obligation, public interest or public interest or legitimate interest: Art. 6(1)(a). That it considers the consent of the interested party as a legitimate basis for the processing of personal data contained in this file.

Obligation or not to provide data and consequences of not doing so: You aren’t obliged to provide us with data; however, it will be necessary to be able to manage the suggestions or requests you need to make to us through the website.


Recipients: Organizations or people directly related to the company, Public Administration with competence in the matter.

Specific recipients: Data processors may be able to access the data provided through this website in the exercise of their maintenance functions.

Adequacy decisions, guarantees, binding corporate rules, or specific applicable situations: They don’t exist.

International Transfers: They don’t exist.



How to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and the limitation or opposition to its processing: The interested party may know, modify, or delete the data that the company has about them by e-mail providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña). The interested party may transfer their data to another entity or limit the existing data that the company has about them by email providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to withdraw Consent: The interested party may withdraw the data that the company holds about them by e-mail by providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority: The interested party may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency about any incident that may arise.


Detailed information about the source of the data: Provided by the interested party.

Categories of data processed: Name and surname, email, NIF/DNI/NIE, address and telephone.

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be processed fairly and lawfully, subject at all times to the principles and rights set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and other applicable regulations. In compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of the RGPD, we inform you of the following:

Responsible party

Contact details of the Data Controller: the person responsible for the data collected through this website is EPTICOM CONSULTING, S.L. with address Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña) and CIF B-70521364. You can contact the responsible party by sending an email or by calling 688 845 052.

Identity and contact details of the representative:Juan Sanjuan López.


Extended description of the purposes of the processing: 

  • Client, accounting, tax and administrative management
  • Advertising & Commercial Prospecting
  • Receipt of Resumes or Job Applications

Data retention periods or criteria: We’ll keep the data for as long as necessary to respond to the request and comply with the required legal obligations. The data you have provided to us will be kept for as long as it is necessary for the purposes indicated in point 2.A., or it will also be stored for the time required by different applicable laws.

Automated Decisions, Profiling, and Applied Logic: The data collected through the website will not be used to make automated decisions.

Legal basics

Governing Law: The legislation applied is the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

Details of the legal basis for the processing, in cases of legal obligation, public interest or public interest or legitimate interest: Art. 6(1)(a). That it considers the consent of the interested party as a legitimate basis for the processing of personal data contained in this file.

Obligation or not to provide data and consequences of not doing so: You aren’t obliged to provide us with data; however, it will be necessary to be able to manage the suggestions or requests you need to make to us through the website.


Recipients: Organizations or people directly related to the company, Public Administration with competence in the matter.

Specific recipients: Data processors may be able to access the data provided through this website in the exercise of their maintenance functions.

Adequacy decisions, guarantees, binding corporate rules, or specific applicable situations: They don’t exist.

International Transfers: They don’t exist.


How to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and the limitation or opposition to its processing: The interested party may know, modify, or delete the data that the company has about them by e-mail providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña). The interested party may transfer their data to another entity or limit the existing data that the company has about them by email providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to withdraw Consent: The interested party may withdraw the data that the company holds about them by e-mail by providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority: The interested party may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency about any incident that may arise.


Detailed information about the source of the data: Provided by the interested party.

Categories of data processed: Name and surname, email, NIF/DNI/NIE, address and telephone.

Visiting this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information. In the event that the user provides any personal information, the data collected on this website will be processed fairly and lawfully, subject at all times to the principles and rights set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and other applicable regulations. In compliance with the provisions of Article 13 of the RGPD, we inform you of the following:

Responsible party

Contact details of the Data Controller: the person responsible for the data collected through this website is EPTICOM CONSULTING, S.L. with address Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña) and CIF B-70521364. You can contact the responsible party by sending an email or by calling 688 845 052.

Identity and contact details of the representative:Juan Sanjuan López.


Extended description of the purposes of the processing: 

  • Client, accounting, tax and administrative management
  • Advertising & Commercial Prospecting
  • Receipt of Resumes or Job Applications

Data retention periods or criteria: We’ll keep the data for as long as necessary to respond to the request and comply with the required legal obligations. The data you have provided to us will be kept for as long as it is necessary for the purposes indicated in point 2.A., or it will also be stored for the time required by different applicable laws.

Automated Decisions, Profiling, and Applied Logic: The data collected through the website will not be used to make automated decisions.

Legal basics

Governing Law: The legislation applied is the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights.

Details of the legal basis for the processing, in cases of legal obligation, public interest or public interest or legitimate interest: Art. 6(1)(a). That it considers the consent of the interested party as a legitimate basis for the processing of personal data contained in this file.

Obligation or not to provide data and consequences of not doing so: You aren’t obliged to provide us with data; however, it will be necessary to be able to manage the suggestions or requests you need to make to us through the website.


Recipients: Organizations or people directly related to the company, Public Administration with competence in the matter.

Specific recipients: Data processors may be able to access the data provided through this website in the exercise of their maintenance functions.

Adequacy decisions, guarantees, binding corporate rules, or specific applicable situations: They don’t exist.

International Transfers: They don’t exist.


How to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and the limitation or opposition to its processing: The interested party may know, modify, or delete the data that the company has about them by e-mail providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña). The interested party may transfer their data to another entity or limit the existing data that the company has about them by email providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to withdraw Consent: The interested party may withdraw the data that the company holds about them by e-mail by providing their ID card or by post to Copérnico St. n.1, 3ºB 15008 (A Coruña).

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority: The interested party may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency about any incident that may arise.


Detailed information about the source of the data: Provided by the interested party.

Categories of data processed: Name and surname, email, NIF/DNI/NIE, address and telephone.